The Benefits of Venefit

Los Angeles | Beverly Hills | Encino | Glendale California

The Benefits of Venefit

Varicose Vein Treatment in Glendale & Encino

Having swollen, twisted blue veins that run through your legs can be a simple source of embarrassment for the tens of millions of Americans who have them. But they can also cause pain and discomfort as well as be a signal of a more serious health condition. In those instances, it’s important to seek medical treatment for your varicose veins. While there are several options that have been around for decades, a new varicose vein treatment is now being offered in Glendale, Encino and Beverly Hills. Dr. Massoudi  of Aluna Vein Center is an expert at treating varicose veins with Venefit Targeted Endovenous Therapy.

What is Venefit?

The Venefit procedure utilizes the strength of radiofrequency energy to eradicate complex varicose veins and Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI). This minimally invasive option is one of the most appreciated benefits of both doctors and patients. When radiofrequency energy is used to evenly apply heat to the vein walls, the collagen molecules break down and that collapses the veins. The flattened veins are then sealed off and reabsorbed into the body and then the body automatically diverts the flow of blood from those veins to healthier veins, improving your vascular health.

Why Venefit For Varicose Vein Treatment?

There are several options when it comes to varicose vein treatment for patients, but Venefit is becoming increasingly popular because of the lower risk of health complications and because it creates a more pleasing appearance. It stands out above the other varicose vein treatments due to its many benefits which include:

  1. Non-invasive. Because the veins are collapsed with the use of radiofrequency energy, Dr. Massoudi does not have to conduct surgery. No incisions, no stitches, no heavy anesthesia, and no scars.
  2. More Comfortable. Venefit is known to be less painful than other methods of varicose vein treatment. While patients may feel a slight amount of pain after the procedure, it usually dissipates in a few days.
  3. Better Appearance. Not only does Venefit work to remove unsightly and unhealthy varicose veins, it also will reduce the levels of bruising that you experience. The small amount of bruising that will likely appear should go away within a few days or weeks.
  4. Speedy Recovery. Patients love that they can get back to their normal routines the next day after their Venefit vein treatment. Though recovery is fast, always speak to your doctor about post-treatment activities.
  5. Less Risk. Dr. Massoudi is experienced in performing Venefit on many, many varicose veins and loves that the procedure has a low risk of complications combined with a high probability of success.

Call For The Best Varicose Vein Treatment In Glendale

If you think you have serious problems related to your varicose veins, contact Dr. Massoudi today and set up an appointment at the Glendale, Beverly Hills or Encino offices of Aluna Vein Center. Our staff is friendly and waiting to answer all of your questions and to assist you in any way possible. Call (310) 855-7171 to make an appointment or use the online appointment form. We look forward to helping you discover the benefits of Venefit!
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